Demam shabby chic melanda, bahkan saya pun ikutan craving for shabby chic (ambil istilahnya jeng michan). Apa sih sebenernya shabby chic itu?
Wikipedia bilang:
Shabby chic
(pronounced: "sheek") is a form of interior design where furniture
and furnishings are either chosen for their appearance of age and signs of wear
and tear or where new items are distressed to achieve the appearance of an
antique. At the same time, a soft, opulent, yet cottage-style decor, often with
an affected feel is emphasized to differentiate it from genuine period decor.
Kalo kata saya:
Shabby chic itu gaya
lusuh tapi cantik, dengan warna2 pastel yang bikin adem di mata dan betah dirumah
Impian saya:
Menata rumah dengan
gaya shabby chic, sekarang sih on progress dapur ditata ala2 shabby chic (Foto
menyusul di next post ya)
Jadi ada di antara
kamu yang pengen gaya shabby chic di rumah?