Saturday, July 3, 2010

Plunyon Bridge

Probably many people who've already visited this bridge. Plunyon Bridge, the bridge is located in Umbulharjo village, district of Cangkringan. I myself had forgotten how many times come to this place.
First time I ever camp in high school in that area, twice when I go through "KKN" in this village. So on, because I often come here really like it. he3
I have been fascinated with the uniqueness, beauty, from the blend with the natural bridge which is still natural. The cool mountain air always invite me to come here.

Tips from me:
I always go that way Gondang hamlet, but save your trip because they do not pay levies.
If u still want to pass through the portal gate you should smile sweetly and say if you have to survey for KKN. (He3)

Several months ago the bridge was started guarded government personnel. So start there are charges an entrance fee, for those who want to cut corners again hide your camera in a backpack. Oh yes, entrance fee is also negotiable if you say you are a student and often go there.

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